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In the past continuity of the character, Salamander was one of the Wakandan agents working for Erik Killmonger during his original attempt to overthrow the Black Panther. He was an archer with explosive arrows who was mutated by the Great Vibranium Mound; so his body now grew thorns out of giant blisters. Salamander gets the Nu-Perspective below.

nuperspective salamander ref.jpg
Nuperspective salamander.jpg

Real Name: Salamander K’ruel

Current Alias: Salamander

Identity: Secret Identity

Occupation: Secret Police Enforcer

Place of Birth: Wakanda

Base of Operations: Primarily Wakanda; Mobile

Affiliations: Black Panther; Hatut Zeraze Police Force

Citizenship: Wakandan

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Comic book Origin: Marvel Universe Earth-616

Original Creators: Don McGregor, Billy Graham

First Appearance: Jungle Action Vol2 #15, May 1975

History: Formerly an agent of Eric Killmonger, K’ruel became a fugitive of Wakanda after Kilmonger’s defeat. He was always viewed as a pariah due to the hideous mutant barb-ladled boils that covered his body, and after years of despair he returned to Wakanda to beg for amnesty and the promise of a cure. In return, Salamander provided valuable information on other Wakandan conspirators he was once affiliated with, leading to a numerous arrests and a safer nation. After serving a reduced sentence for his crimes, Salamander was inducted into a black ops branch of the Wakandan Hatut Zeraze special task force, with the sole purpose of carrying out covert mission under the auspices of Wakanda’s geo-political interests. Although Wakandan science has helped with some of K’ruel’s physical condition, his isolation and self-loathing has made him very temperamental, causing him to act out with extreme force on occasion.

Powers: K’ruel is a Vibranium Mutate whose body was covered with festering boils which inject a toxin covered razor sharp pins. Training and Wakandan science have made Salamander skilled in launching his deadly barbs with impressive accuracy from any part of his body through precise muscle control and skin tension. He has also mastered the ability to augment their effects/symptoms (i.e. poison barbs, sleep barbs, paralysis barbs, etc). He is an exceptional hunter/tracker, an expert marksman, and is extremely proficient with a bow and arrow. Paraphernalia/Weapons: Collapsible sonic Vibranium bow; arrow head arsenal with explosives, razor tips, etc; morphable bio exodermal armor; techno goggles.  

What do you like most about the character? I like his name. lol


What made you choose this character? - There were a lot of underutilized BP villains to choose from, but I had a strong idea of what I wanted to do with this character so I went with him.


What was the creative process like for this character?- For NuPerspective a lot of credit goes to Fabian for his concepts. He usually has some AMAZING ideas. I then take those ideas, go over the original character in my mind to see what I like myself, than combine all the elements I like and work up from there. If I have different ideas than Fabian I try to boil the character down to their essence and sketch out body structure and proportions. Then I throw in modern elements. Once I'm happy with that sketch I go into sketching the pose that will be the final drawing. 

Did the character pose a challenge to update and if so what was the hardest part of the redesign?- Not this one, between Fabian's concept and my vision the concept was strong in my mind.   


What was your main inspiration for the direction?- Design-wise I based him off of my Black Panther suit design (see below) and my idea of a modern day ninja.


In hindsight is there anything you would do differently now?- Maybe draw his face, but that's it; I love this one. 


Is there something in particular you want to point out?- The ninja toes. lol Also, the fact that the bow has no string. As a nod to Shaft from Rob Liefield's Youngblood, this bow uses a vibranium induced sonic field to create the tension necessary to propel the arrows. 


Anything else to add? - Just that I would love to see this character pop up in current continuity. He has a pretty cool tie-in to the BP universe. 

Fine print: All characters are copyrights and trademarks of the respective publishers and creators. This column is used solely for artistic enjoyment. We aim to showcase Nubian characters in fresh, contemporary and exciting ways both visually and story-wise.



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