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Project Dream

A Project D.R.E.A.M workshop- Comic Book Literacy and Arts Program


    Intro: The Project D.R.E.A.M , (Drawing, Reading, Edutainment, Art, Manifest) Workshop is a Comic Book Literacy and Arts program designed to give a basic introduction to the world of creative writing and illustration. This is achieved through a series of workshops channeled via the medium of comic books/manga/graphic novels. By using comics and the artform as a whole to grab a student’s attention, they cultivate an appreciation for reading, while facilitating the development of comprehension and analytical skills. Participants also achieve a deeper understanding of art, while simultaneously gaining personal artistic skills. The convenience of the program is that it can be adjusted for almost any age group and skill level.


     Mission Statement: Through Project D.R.E.A.M, (Drawing, Reading, Edutainment, Art, Manifest), Pyroglyphics Studio seeks to promote positive growth in youth through scholastic and personal development. To nurture development that will lead to more creative, expressive youth, with pride in their work and themselves. To then in turn allow youth to gain an entrepreneurial mindset supported by a sound foundation of skill. Students will be guided to create their own original characters from the ground up. Throughout the workshop, participants will be challenged to think about not only their hero’s legacy, but how they can be heroes of their own world. An additional goal is to also spotlight the powerful world of comic book literature, and how it can be used in both entertaining and educational ways.

Aspects: The beauty of this program is that it covers a variety of positive aspects, including areas of:
a) Personal expression
b) Social awareness
c) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
d) Visual arts and creative writing
e) Academic support


    Course Description: The workshops will deal with a variety of Comic book related themes, mainly focusing on the formation of individualistic comic book characters. Through carefully structured lesson plans, students will be taught how to describe, design, draw, ink, and then detail their characters to create unique visions of art. Comic book techniques of basic writing, anatomy, perspective, drawing, creative composition, editing, and most importantly, teamwork, will be implanted through fun, challenging exercises. In addition, they will be given “take home assignments” meant to reinforce the lessons and themes, as well as keep them motivated towards the final creation of their characters.


    While primarily a literary and drawing class, many other important aspects of the art-field will be covered, including the history of comics; industry-standard production methods; and the current business environment of the Comic industry. Personal development and expression within the medium will be the overall focus of the course.





    Course Outcomes:  At the end of the course, students will have a fully developed character that can interact as part of a larger “universe” or stand alone as a personal character. These characters can be collected into a single publication which can be supplied to each student, outlining their characters in physical and descriptive detail. These images could also be made into posters to be presented to the students or included in any art exhibits. These posters and books can serve as strong positive reinforcement tools.



The goal of Project D.R.E.A.M is for students to learn how to take an idea from a dream to tangible reality. And we can’t wait to accomplish that with you.





Pyroglyphics Studios Presents a Project D.R.E.A.M workshop. “Taking ideas from dreams to reality.”

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