NuPerspective: GOLIATH
I started with my writing collaborator Fabian Wood with the purpose of revamping and updating different underdeveloped, underutilized and all-but-forgotten Nubian (black) comic book and pop culture characters.

The next character we revamped was picked in celebration of the Avengers movie that dropped last April. The potentially awesome former Avenger GOLIATH!

Real Name: Thomas Foster
Current Alias: Goliath
Identity: Public
Occupation: Avengers member
Place of Birth: New York
Base of Operations: New York
Affiliations: Avengers
First Appearance: Black Panther vol 4, #23 Feb 2007
Original Creators: Reginald Hudlin, Koi Turnball, Greg Pak, Gary Frank
Story: Nephew to the original Black Goliath, Tom Foster genuinely believed the Avengers’ unchecked and unopposed power to be a threat to humanity and were responsible for his uncle’s death. Having adopted the mantle and powers of his deceased uncle, Tom lent his hand working for the super-powered aftermath and collateral damage cleanup crew, Damage Control, and later the ill-fated anti-Avengers team, the Revengers. Having recently been paroled from the Cellar for his good behavior and his actions during a failed prison break, Tom underwent consoling and gave up his vendetta against Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. He was later approached by Captain America to join the ranks of the new Avengers team with a rotating cast.
Powers: Having further deciphered Pym Particles, which are now interwoven with his very DNA, Goliath’s mastery over size manipulation rivals that of Hank himself. Not only can he grow to unrivaled gigantic size and shrink to near atomic level, he can also enlarge and shrink objects with a touch. Having analyzed how growing to gigantic proportions can be more of a hindrance and cause more collateral damage than intended, Goliath prefers to grow no more than 12ft. However, with his increased control of Pym Particles he can now augment his strength and density to near Hulk levels, making his height cap irrelevant. Goliath can also become intangible, although both forms of density are for a limited time only.
Physical Abilities/Extra: Goliath possesses a genius level I.Q. He has also mastered various stress techniques, crisis management strategies, and serves as a consular to the Avengers members.
Paraphernalia/Weapons: None

What do you like most about the original character? - I never really liked giant powers, and I wasn't knowledgeable on Goliath, so things weren't off to a good start. lol I know it's kinda arrogant, but what made me start to like him was the story Fabian and I came up with.
What made you choose this character? - His story had a lot of heart and a great basis for redemption.
Did the character pose a challenge to update and if so what was the hardest part of the redesign? - Not a big challenge. The hardest thing for me was incorporating the G into the costume. I REALLY wanted to do that. lol
In regards to the story aspect of the update, what was your main inspiration for the direction? - A chance at redemption. That was my main focus.
In hindsight is there anything you would do differently now? - Maybe just the final pose. I like everything else.
Is there something in particular you want to point out? - Just how cool I think our storyline for him could be as a comic
Did this character resonate with you in anyway? - I really felt bad for him. His uncle was killed in the line of duty and people didn't seem to care. He's not a bad person, just hurting. I wish less Nubian people went to jail in comics
Would you want his powers? - Nah, I'm good. Too much potential property damage. lol
Fine print: All characters are copyrights and trademarks of the respective publishers and creators. This column is used solely for artistic enjoyment. We aim to showcase Nubian characters in fresh, contemporary and exciting ways both visually and story-wise.